A leader can`t move a country ...

A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.
A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.
 Barney Frank

More phrases

Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.
 William Tecumseh Sherman
I'm a fighter through and through. I don't fear any person and to go inside that ring with a feared mentality, why even go inside the ring?
 Daniel Jacobs
I think there was the studio mentality for a long time that women and girls can relate to a male hero, but boys and men can't relate to a female hero.
 Jennifer Lawrence
Bravery is fearlessness-the absence of fear. The merest dolt may be brave because he lacks the mentality to appreciate his danger.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.

Quotes from the same author

They appear to have become so attached to their outrage that they are even more outraged that they won't be able to be outraged anymore.
 Barney Frank
The Moral Majority supports legislators who oppose abortions but also oppose child nutrition and day care. From their perspective, life begins at conception and ends at birth.
 Barney Frank
You know, when I was in college, there was a big debate: Do unions raise wages? Well, with regard to industrial unions, there were arguments back and forth -- international competition. It is now clear, I think, that whether or not you think unions raised wages 50 years ago, the absence of unions and their weakness that is inflicted by anti-union public policy depresses wages. The fact is that people who are not represented, in the service industries in particular, are the victims of policies which depress their wages.
 Barney Frank
Can I say one other thing that`s very important? I`m indebted to Donald Trump for a long time, we`ve had this problem that people disliked government. And the health care bill has shown reminded people and Donald Trump has shown people there is something a lot worse than government. It`s not government. That as bad as they might have thought the government was on health care, it`s now created people that the absence of government healthcare is even worse.
 Barney Frank
I think there was an absolute, deep gap between consensual relations between adults, which people may like or dislike, and people who physically impose themselves on children or misuse their authority to impose on children.
 Barney Frank